Membership Application
您的大名 Your Name
性別 Gender
出生年月日 Date of Birth
電話 Telephone
您的電子信箱 E-Mail Address
學歷 Education
服務機構 Company/Institution
職稱 Position Titles
密碼 Password
確認密碼 Confirm Password
請輸入驗證碼:Verification Code
申請說明 Application Instructions
  • E-mail即為帳號,申請後即無法自行修改,請務必填入正確資料。
    (E-mail is the account number, apply as soon as unable to change, be sure to fill in the correct information.)

  • 密碼長度至少8碼(須包含英數字)。
    (Password length is at least 8 digits (must contain alphanumeric characters.)